What does Narrative Practices mean to us? Christy Nag Ft Raviraj Shetty

In this conversation on Narrative Therapy, Christy and Raviraj explore the idea of What makes a story and its influence on how we perceive ourselves, others and the world around us. They share stories from their lived experience and work and illustrate the politics of stories and how systemic structures of oppression use stories as a way to exert social control. The conversation also looks into how Narrative Practices are rooted in people’s movements and the ways in which these practices have been used to respond to structural injustice in communities and individual contexts. Christy also shares stories from the social justice work along with Adivasi communities, queer people and transgender people, drawing resonance with decolonisation and resurgence. Raviraj shares stories from the work with disabled children, queer people, Adivasi people of Dadra Nagar Haveli and resonance with the anti-caste movement in mental health.